Have a look at our European 3 Dog having a go.

3 Dog Camping in Iceland
Wednesday, March 10th, 2010Snowy trip
Thursday, October 29th, 20093 Dog Testamonial of build Quality.
Monday, September 14th, 2009I purchased a slide on camper of 3dog campers in may 2009. My friend Steve Miles and I thought we would give it a test run for 4 weeks at South West Rocks, to get familiar with the set up and the workings. We found setting the camper up was quite simple and wandered what sort of weather it could stand.
Our fist test came a few days later when in mid-way the weather forcast was for wind and rain from 80-120 kph gust with accasional stronger gusts. It started raining with about 50 kph gusts and thought every thing is going well. No leaks an accasional shake but fine other wise. That was the first night. For the next three nights winds reached up to 130KPH, the camper held stead fast with frequent rocking and rolling and very heart starting moments. The third night I left for Sydney and just beat the floods and left Steve to weather the storm . Here is his accounts of the situation this storm was the most intense on the north coast for sixty years.
Pete left for Sydney and left me to hold the fort. The wind and rain kept going and I got a call from Pete(who had got the weather report that the storm cell was to hit its hardest that night) He said to get to the ammenaties block of the caravan park and leave the camper because it would be too dangerous. After about 12 Beers I decided to hang in there. The scary part was when I woke about 2am as the storm peaked the gusts were over 100kph. The camper felt like 10people were shaking the crap out of it and head butting the sides at the same time. The camper held its ground, branchs crashing all around and too dangerous to even open the side doors.
It rained for another week and a half and everything remained dry the whole time. If that was test of the campers stability, we did it. passing with flying colours.
If there is a recommendation for 3dog I can only say GET ONE
Ray the owner has a very helpful pleasing manner and any thing that you need doing he is willing to help.
Peter Moloney
1 Seamist Place
Lennox Head NSW
Tree Planting in the Daintree with 3 Dog
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009
Here we are in the Daintree with our 3 Dog- an excellent way to be in nature while still sleeping in luxury. While all of our tree-planting co-workers are slugging it out under the fluorescent lighting in their shared accommodation, we have the light of the stars and the privacy of our 3 Dog camper. We find ourselves referring to our 3 Dog as “home” after our long days tree planting, and why wouldn’t we? It has a bedroom for crying out loud!
The best part is, we pull our truck away from the camper and we are free to go adventuring throughout the Daintree, while our camper stands sturdily on our campsite, waiting for our return. Once again, the 3 Dog is the best way to go while you are on the road (or in the rainforest).
Trip Around Australia??!!
Thursday, June 11th, 2009We’ve just come back from another camping trip and just wanted to let you how great we’ve found the camper trailer we bought from you last year.
As you now we bought the camper trailer to take a trip around Australia. And when we told our friends the first thing they said was, “What about the job, mortgage, baby, 5yo and 6yo??” And our response was “Quit, rent the house, get a portacott and by the way – the older kids will just love it”.
The decision was made. And we had six weeks to prepare. One of the biggest decisions was the type of camper we wanted. The choice in the market place was overwhelming and we did a ton of research. We were lucky enough to come across you at 3 Dog Camping after looking at what seemed like hundreds.
And the 3 Dog Camper trailer ticked all our boxes:
• Honest manufacturers with a good warranty who have been around for years
• Practical living design – easy and fast to set up – we had it up in about a minute
• Designed to handle dust, rivers, rough 4WD tracks and thousands of kilometres on corrugations.
• Flexible to add on rooms and shade options.
• Reasonable price
• Good storage
You and all the staff at 3 Dog Camping were great to deal with and because you’re campers yourselves, we can see why you’re so passionate about the designs and quality of your product.
We did our big Australia trip in 2007 (and have done numerous smaller trips since). We did 25,000 km and met people from all over the country.
We had some of the best times of our lives which was enhanced by the set up and reliability of our camper. The camper was tested with gales and torrential rain in the Flinders, deep river crossings in the Northern Territory and seemingly endless corrugations exploring the Cape Leveque area. Some of these roads made the infamous Bungle Bungle road look tame!
We’re back home now and still camping on weekends and holidays. Martine and I can still say we made a great choice in our camper and don’t aspire for anything different.
Your after sales service is fantastic, friendly and helpful. For the price, reliability, set up and good people to deal with we don’t reckon anyone could do better.
If anyone ever wants to talk to us about our trip or your 3 Dog Camper Trailer camper they’re welcome to give us a call on 0419 495494 or drop us an email at: [email protected] And we’d be happy to help.
Michael & Martine Gudgeon
Portable 5 Star Accommodation
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009On a recent camping adventure with our Canadian friend Ryan, we parked our 3 Dog on the shores of beautiful Rainbow Beach. With all of the breathable 3 Dog screens letting in the ocean breeze over top of our elevated bed we had one of the best sleeps of our lives. The ocean air blew through our 3 Dog all night long and in the morning all we had to do was open our eyes in order to watch the sunrise over the waves (have a look at the below photo to check out our penthouse view). If that isn’t 5 star accommodation, I don’t know what is.
Have 3 Dog Will Travel
Tuesday, May 26th, 2009Jon and I are two Canadians who have recently transplanted ourselves in Australia and we are eager to explore some of the country.
On June 15th, we are leaving our current homebase of Byron Bay and are heading off to the Daintree Rainforest to do some tree planting for Kelvin Davies of Rainforest Rangers. We’ll be working along side a team from Conservation Volunteers Australia as we plant a variety of rainforest trees and enjoy the beauty of the Daintree.
A trip like this just wouldn’t be complete without a good roof over our heads. We can’t wait to get the 3 Dog on the back of the truck and take it up the coast with us. I think it will make a fine rainforest home once we reach our final destination which is over 2,000 kilometres away- a nice long walk for this 3 Dog.